We get a high number of enquiries daily about how to wash the many different linen products that we supply. Here is a simple guide for you to follow on how to properly care for & maintain the quality of your beloved linen and bedding.
100% Cotton Sheets all Thread Counts
1. Always wash linen prior to placing on your bed (separate white & colours). We all love that freshly washed sheet smell & feel.
2. For these higher thread counts take a bit more time & care when washing and drying. Use minimal detergents on a cold or warm, gentle machine wash. Don’t wash in hot water for the first few washes as it will shrink the linen fibres.
3. To best preserve fibres and to save energy, air dry linen whenever possible. However if you don’t have that option a short, warm tumble dry is fine and allow dryer cool down time. Fold immediately to reduce wrinkling. TIP: Do not overheat
Bamboo Sheeting – as per above instructions BUT cold, gentle machine, air dry or dyer on low heat, dryer cool down remove immediately and fold.
SHEETING TIP: Removing your sheeting from the washing machine/dryer as soon as it has finished will eliminate the need to iron your sheets. As the myth goes, cotton sheets can crease easily (& you may even want to iron them if you really want to impress) but by doing these simple steps you can avoid it
Commercial Sheeting (blends/hotel linen - 50% Cotton + 50% Polyester)
Yes, the crisp, fresh ones that you sleep on at the hotels…
1. Our Guest sheeting range is manufactured to be anti-pill and anti-shrink, offering complete sheet longevity and is always rapid wash performance.
2. Can be washed at very hot temperatures up to 85c, (over many years) without affecting the quality of the sheeting. Hot washing further enhances hygiene.
3. Air or tumble dry. Avoid crash cooling which will cause excessive and possibly permanent creasing. Do not allow fabric to rest in the dryer after drying to avoid creasing.
1. We have the best solution; we recommend that you always use quilted pillow protectors on all of your pillows and wash these weekly. They launder quickly and dry fast & are back on the pillows in no time (no more dead skin cells or body oils seeping into the pillow). A quilted pillow protector will give your much loved pillow a longer life span.
Mattress Toppers & Protectors, Doona/Duvet, Blankets, Quilted Bed Valances (Microfibre only)
1. Do not mix washing load with cotton products. Wash heavily soiled items separately.
2. Washing temperatures should not exceed 65c. Use minimal detergent. Ensure to rinse thoroughly. Remove from washing machine on completion of rinse. Avoid crash cooling.
3. Do not use compression type water removal. Short, warm tumble dry as our Guest Fresh microfibre products are fast dying, and allow cool down time. Do not allow items to rest in the hot dryer on completion of the drying process and fold immediately to reduce creasing.
♦ TIP: Excessive or prolonged heating is the enemy of quilted product longevity
Hotel Decorative Bed-runners & Cushions
By exclusively using Warwick fabrics we recommend you visit their very detailed care & cleaning recommendation online. We recommend using Warwick fabrics as all of their materials have been commercially tested.
100% White cotton towelling is super absorbent, soft & luxurious. Hotel favourite!
1. Can be cold washed, but to gain maximum hygiene benefits 65c to 80c washing temps are highly recommended.
2. Can be tumble dried. But we highly recommend sufficient cool down cycle on completion.
3. DO NOT BLEACH EVER, BLEACH EATS COTTON! Nor wash with items that may catch and pull the loops of the towels.
The higher the towel GSM the towel will be denser, heavier, and more absorbent. It will probably take a little longer to dry.
Coloured towelling
1. Generally cold wash to avoid loss of colour
2. Commercial towelling is washable up to 60c.
4. All can be tumble dried but recommend sufficient cool down cycle on completion.
Only use fabric softener’s sparingly if you must as it can reduce absorbency.
BIG TIP: Excessive or prolonged heating is the enemy of all fabrics longevity.